
Training Programmes and Workshops on Various Themes are done in association with GIS Labs India

Tittle : Map Reading (for beginners)
Duration :  (8 hours) One Day
Cource Content:  
What is a map?
History of Maps
Types of maps
Reading symbols and Marginal Information
Reading Legend
The concept of Scale
Map reading

Hands on:
Drawing Profiles
Tracing contours/roads/drainage

Expected Prior Knowledge : Nil

Intended Audience:  
All those who wish to develop graphicacy. 
Planners and managers

Tittle : GIS Basics
Duration :  24 Hours ( 3 days)
Course content:
About GIS
Data models
Raster and Vector Data models
Data conversion – Digitization
Data formats  - Conversions – import-export
Working with vectors
Vector data analysis – Area calculation-buffer analysis-overlay – union-intersection
Thematic Mapping
Mapping and Layout

Expected Prior Knowledge : Map Reading

Intended audience: 
Designed for students interested in acquiring a basic knowledge of GIS in order to
 assist in their choice of their course and career.

Tittle : Elementary Satellite image interpretation 
Duration :  8 hours (one day)
Course content: 
Overview of Remote Sensing Satellites
The Process of imaging the earth
Introduction to image interpretation
Image Interpretation keys
Processing and Classification of Remotely Sensed Data; Pattern Recognition; Approaches to Data/Image Interpretation
Image procurement procedures  and institutions

Expected Prior Knowledge: Nil

Tittle: Explore Moon and Mars
Duration : 4 hours (One day)
Course content: 

History of planetary explorations
Indian adventure
Exploring the surface of Moon and Mars through satellite images 
Surface morphology of Moon
Surface morphology of Mars
Hands on exercises.

Expected Prior Knowledge :
Elementary Satellite image Interpretation

Tittle: Digital Image Processing
Duration : 24 hours (3 days)
Course content: 

Image Rectification
Geo referencing
Image Filtering (Simple,Majority,Laplacian)
Image Classification(Supervised and Unsupervised)
Map Algebra
Image Manipulations(Image Morphology, Furior Transformation, Edge detection)
Band Ratios and Applications(Indices)

Expected Prior Knowledge :
Elementary Satellite image Interpretation 

Tittle: Web GIS for beginners
Duration : 8 hours (1 day)
Course content: 
The concept of Web-GIS
Available resources
Publishing maps
Editing published map contents

Designing web map contents

Expected Prior Knowledge :
Elementary GIS